酷鱼 发表于 2018-4-21 20:57:01

欧美 发烧(HiFi) 爵士(Jazz) | Chris Botti - Night Sessions (2001) [SACD]


专辑英文名: Night Sessions

专辑中文名: 午夜时分

歌手: Chris Botti.

音乐风格: 爵士


发行时间: 2001年10月30日

地区: 美国

语言: 英语



规格:Multi Channel

史汀Sting、保罗赛门Paul Simon、巴布狄伦Bob Dylan偏爱指定乐手、继Chet Baker后令人期待的小喇叭手首张加盟哥伦比亚之作,收录Sting创作,葛莱美奖得主夏恩柯文Shawn Colvin跨刀合作All Would Envy,一张千万不能错过的爵士专辑。

2001年无意间挑起了对 Modern Jazz 的兴趣﹐在发现Marc Antoine 的之前﹐其实是先找到小号手 Chris Botti 的。印象中是在Denver 出差时﹐晚上逛CD Wherehouse 时发现的﹐当时的Chris Botti 尚未走红﹐故专辑的价钱是颇便宜的﹐大概是美金9.99吧﹐於是就大著胆子买来试听。

Chris Botti早年受母亲的音乐薰陶﹐她弹得一手好钢琴﹐也任兼职钢琴教师﹐但是他没有耐性去弹完一首曲子﹐不过对和絃却有天赋的敏悦力﹐其后Chris 跟随 David Friesen学习爵士音乐﹑跟Dave Baker学习Saxophone及Woody Shaw学习小号。虽然Chris 他少年时代已经钟情於 Miles Davis的音乐﹐但是却没有想过要当爵士乐手来。他喜欢即兴音乐﹐但偏向流行音乐类型﹐於是他便从传统的Bebop 音乐中钻研﹐期望发掘出自我一套的音乐风格。

1990年﹐Chris Botti参与了 Paul Simon的非洲/巴西混合乐团﹐负责为期15个月巡迴演唱中担任伴奏﹐这使到他眼界大开。1995年得到Verve的一纸合约﹐出版了首张专辑“First Wish ”。四年间﹐出版了3张专辑﹐虽然未获得乐迷热烈的反应﹐但是却换起圈内人的注意。1996年获邀为独立电影Caught的配乐作曲演奏﹐另外1998得到 John Barry邀请﹐参与电影 Playing By Heart的独奏部份。2000年参与了为期两年的 Sting 巡迴演唱会﹐其后这个演唱会在A&E电视台转播﹐也出版了DVD ﹐瞬间 Chris Botti的表现即引来乐迷的注意。

2001年加盟 Columbia ﹐才是他事业的转捩点﹐他以10个星期作曲及录音﹐完成了Night Sessions专辑﹐同时换来性感形象﹐加上专辑散发著夜色的魅力﹐使到他的音乐变成高格调的Contemporary Jazz。专辑中Chris Botti 参与了大部的创作﹐同时也有Sting写的All Would Envy ﹐并由民歌手Shawn Colvin演唱。此曲本是Sting的1999年 Brand New Day专辑内的歌曲﹐但当时 Sting并没有收录﹐故Chris Botti便要求灌录﹐所以Shawn Colvin 唱来﹐仍是有浓浓Sting 的味道﹐也可以想像到由他唱会是甚么样子。

Night Sessions 专辑出版了两个月后﹐为了配合宣传﹐於是Chris Botti 在12月於 LA 的 El Rey Theatre 举办了一场小型音乐会。Chris 除了演奏新专辑的大部份作品外﹐也演奏了 Verve 时期的旧作﹐包括All Alone In The City (1997) ﹑Regrooveable (1997) ﹑Why Not (1999) 及Steps Of Positano (1997) ﹐而且也请来Sting 及 Shawn Colvin 任嘉宾献唱。DVD名为“Chris Botti & Friends Night Sessions: Live In Cocnert”﹐由CMV於2002年出版。

Chris Botti,小号手,人年轻音乐资历却已十分丰富。十岁开始演奏,高中时开始职业生涯;生涯早期曾与萨克斯风手George Coleman、小号手Woody Shaw等爵士乐传奇人物合作。这些人的音乐常剑走偏锋,Botti在这段期间的收获反映在他演奏时不温不火的声调与天马行空的创意。随后Botti转战流行音乐圈。受过爵士乐的洗礼,Botti不甘生涯仅止于泡泡糖般的流行声响,合作的对象均为“言之有物”的流行乐坛大将;如巴布狄伦Bob Dylan、艾瑞莎法兰克林Aretha Franklin、保罗赛门Paul Simon与史汀Sting等角色。从他曾合作过的对象,听者即使还不认识他,也应可以从中建立起某种“信任”,因为Chris Botti不像是会随便玩音乐的泛泛之辈。

此张专辑为Chris加盟新力的首张专辑,收录Sting创作,葛莱美奖得主夏恩柯文Shawn Colvin跨刀合作All Would Envy,一张千万不能错过的爵士专辑。

商品条码 : 0696998575363
商品编号 : CS85753
艺人/团体 : 克里斯伯堤 Chris Botti - 查看所有专辑
专辑名称 : 午夜时刻
Night Sessions
音乐类型 : 发烧片
发行公司/日期 : SONY MUSIC 
制作公司 :
内含片数 : 1


Audio CD (October 30, 2001)
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Sony
ASIN: B00005QFL4

艺人 Chris Botti
类型 爵士音乐
发行月份 2001/Oct

Night Sessions is the fourth studio album by trumpet player Chris Botti. This is the first album to be released by Columbia Records on October2, 2001.

I had been on the road for two straight years when I found myself with a window of only ten weeks to write and record this album. I felt energized by the challenge and asked my friend, Kipper, to co-write and produce. Renting a house in the Hollywood Hills where we could work and live, with ample room for other musicians and friends, we started composing material. We sensed freedom after dark - the phone was quieter and there were less distractions around the house as the light of the LA basin began to glow. We recorded only after the sun had set, often until it rose the next morning. These are the "Night Sessions." Enjoy. Chris Botti
—Chris Botti, CD insert

29 of 29 people found the following review helpful
I Shouldn't Like It, But I Sure Do...
By Carl E. Olson on December 13, 2001
Format: Audio CD
Let's see: the cover art shouts "pretty," the music is supposedly "smooth jazz" (augh!), and the title--Night Sessions--is, well, bland.
But I'll be darned if this isn't a great CD. Botti may be pretty, but so is his playing, in the best sense of the word. And while the music may be smooth, it isn't (thank goodness) the blandly vapid stuff that usually passes for contemporary jazz. Although different in many ways, the music reminds me of Wayne Shorter's underrated and wonderful "High Life": intelligent, contemporary instrumental music that actually defies genres. Both effortless and far more complex than it initially seems, this is music that one can either relax to as background music or seriously consider right up front.
I have to agree with one of the other reviewers, who rightly points out that Dominic Miller is one brilliant player. His presence is clearly evident--and it doesn't hurt to have players like Christian McBride (who plays with Botti on Sting's latest live CD) and Vinni Colaiuta (another Sting alumni). A fine disc--I'm officially a fan.

Botti's star-studded performance featuring Sting and Shawn Colvin, was taped live at the historic El Rey Theater in Los Angeles in December, 2001. Performances on Chris Botti & Friends Night Sessions: Live In Concert include: "Lisa", "Streets Ahead", "Miami Overnight", "Steps Of Positano", "Alone In the City", "Regroovable", "Easter Parade", "Why Not" and "Blue Horizon". Shawn Colvin is featured on the Sting-penned "All Would Envy" and her original "The Facts About Jimmy." Sting performs "In The Wee Small Hours" and "Moon Over Bourbon Street". Additional DVD special features include a Photo Gallery, and interviews with Chris Botti, Sting and Shawn Colvin. "

Formerly a member of Sting's backing band, trumpeter Chris Botti was able to break out into a successful solo career because of his unmistakable talent and shining charisma. The acclaimed jazz artist is filmed at a December 2001 performance at Los Angeles's El Rey Theatre. With solid accompaniment, Botti plays a set of over a dozen jazz tunes. He is even joined by special guests Sting and folk rocker Shawn Colvin on 4 stirring pieces.

Track List:

01. Lisa 5:04
02. Miami Overnight 4:31
03. Streets Ahead 3:42
04. Interlude 0:30
05. Chris Botti featuring Shawn Colvin - All Would Envy 5:01
05. All Would Envy (feat. Shawn Colvin) 5:39
06. Best Time 4:59
07. When I See You 4:14
08. You Move Me 5:07
09. Blue Horizon 4:09
10. Light The Stars 4:38
11. Through An Open Window 4:17
12. Easter Parade 5:32

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18245903334 发表于 2018-4-21 23:33:47


tom945 发表于 2018-4-28 03:11:41


zh8912 发表于 2018-5-18 12:01:56

ould Envy (feat. Shawn Colv

YIAI 发表于 2018-6-5 15:52:01


小手微凉 发表于 2018-6-10 15:25:05


tme168 发表于 2018-6-22 01:39:12


AngryDs 发表于 2018-8-16 11:41:45

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查看完整版本: 欧美 发烧(HiFi) 爵士(Jazz) | Chris Botti - Night Sessions (2001) [SACD]